Our Farm

Across the river, and right next to the levee, our 2.5 acre farm is a haven. Just 15 minutes from the bridge, this space is a world away.

Teeming with butterflies, bees, and dragonflies, the smell of fresh earth and flowers, wide skies, and a slower sense of time, this land is a balm for our overtaxed nervous systems, and a place to reconnect with ourselves and with the earth and her seasons.

We use holistic, regenerative farming practices focused on the health and diversity of the larger farm ecosystem. We practice no-till soil management and integrated permaculture design to bring life, fertility, and abundance to our fields.

subtle fields flower farm

Workshops, You-Pick, Plant Sales, Garden Consulatations

local flowers flower farm
subtle fields flower farm
new orleans flower farm
subtle fields new orleans local flowers flower farm
subtle fields flower farm

At the farm, we offer educational workshops, horticultural therapy programs with groups and individuals, and are excited to be hosting a U-PICK on the farm every Sunday afternoon.

At the greenhouse, we offer seasonal cut flower plant sales in November, April, and June

We are also available for specialty garden consultations. We specialize in perennial and annual cutting gardens, and pollinator and wildlife gardens.